The views expressed on air during Toys & Tech of the Trade do not represent the views of the RAGE Works staff, partners or affiliates. Listener discretion is advised.
Show Notes
We sit down with a longtime friend of RAGE Works Matt Kaplowitz who in addition to being the brains behind Nerd News Today is also an accomplished filmmaker with his latest documentary Nothing Changes: Art for Hank’s Sake now on the film festival circuit. Matt schools us on filmmaking techniques as well as the gear he uses to bring his vision to the big screen. If you’re an aspiring filmmaker this is a can’t miss interview.
Toys, Tech & Awesome Stuff Mentioned In This Episode
- Panasonic GH2
- Panasonic GH4
- Lens recommendations
- 50 mm
- 90 mm
- 18-34 mm
- Zoom H4N for audio plus shotgun and lavalier mic.
- Mailchimp for newsletters
- Podcast Recommendations
- Maltin on Movies: https://nerdist.com/podcasts/maltin-on-movies/
- Gilbert Gottfried’s Amazing Colossal Podcast: https://www.gilbertpodcast.com/
- Levar Burton Reads: http://www.levarburtonpodcast.com/
- Documentary Recommendations
Guest Links
- Nerd News Today (Site): http://www.nerdnewstoday.com/
- Nerd News Today (YouTube):
- Concrete & Crashpads Documentary: https://amzn.to/2MaZG2t
- Girl Fight: A Muay Thai Story: https://amzn.to/2vDEh7G
- Nothing Changes: Art for Hank’s Sake (IMDB): https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8271716/
- Burning Hammer Productions (Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/BurningHammerProductions/
- Burning Hammer Productions (YouTube):
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- Follow RAGE Works on:
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Check Out Some of the Other Shows on the RAGE Works Network
- Black is the New Black: http://rageworks.net/podcasts/bitnb/
- Call Me When It’s Over: http://rageworks.net/podcasts/cmwio/
- The Regular Season Sportscast: http://rageworks.net/podcasts/trss/
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