Trek Untold

Hosted ByMatt Kaplowitz

"Trek Untold" is the Star Trek podcast that goes beyond the stars! This show features guests including character actors, stunt performers, directors, writers, VFX artists, and the behind-the-scenes people who make the Star Trek universe boldly go where no sci-fi franchise has gone before.

Trek Untold-Episode 157: The Secrets of 90s Star Trek Toys

The “Star Trek” Comic Art of JK Woodward  

The Star Trek toys from the 90s started as one of the hottest toy lines for kids and collectors but ultimately crashed and burned in the clearance aisle. What happened to these figures that changed the collecting game for adults to turn them into fodder that cost less today than they did 30 years ago?

Scott Holznagel and James Patrik join us in this week's Trek Untold to talk Trek toys from Playmates and to demystify the secrets of this long-running toy series, including examining old Toy Fair catalogs and magazine ads, looking at unproduced toys like the Latinum and Chromium series and other figures that were shown but never released, the mystery of Naked Data from First Contact, what led to the rise and fall of this line, and why they aren't collecting the modern Trek toys.

Check out James' website to see more secrets of Star Trek toys –

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