stanley kubrick

Trek Untold Episode 57: Meet Star Trek’s Original Gorn, Stuntman Bobby Clark!

When people think of Star Trek aliens that don’t look human, chances are the first thought that pops into their head is the Gorn. This verdant bruiser left an indelible mark on Trekkies since he debuted and remains a signature part of the series to this day. In this episode of Trek Untold, we chat…

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Trek Untold Episode 18: Star Trek TOS Composer Gerald Fried + Angelique & Steven Fawcette from “Unbelievable!!!!!

 For the first time on TREK UNTOLD, we are joined by three guests! Up first, we speak with Angelique & Steven Fawcette, the creative team behind the new sci-fi parody movie and Star Trek homage, “Unbelievable!!!!!” which features over 40 actors from five different Star Trek series, along with Michael Madsen, Robert Davi, and Snoop…

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