
Trek Untold-Episode 149: Robb Pearlman Writes Star Trek Books for Kids and The Young at Heart

Robb Pearlman Writes Star Trek Books for Kids and The Young at Heart Robb Pearlman is a professional writer and author of dozens of books, including Star Trek titles like “Fun with Kirk and Spock,” Redshirt’s Little Book of Doom,” Star Trek: Prodigy: Supernova,” “Starfleet Is…” and many more. He’s also got other nerdy titles for children and adults under…

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Trek Untold-Episode 98: Kavita Maharaj on Painting Star Trek Art and why Spock is a Yoga Master

If you’re on social media, you hopefully see a lot of Star Trek fan art on your feeds. But what about taking that fan art and turning it into a profession? This week’s guest is here to tell us all about it. Kavita Maharaj is fully licensed by Paramount to create Star Trek paintings, combining…

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Trek Untold Episode 24: Conrad Coates, Admiral Terral on “Star Trek Discovery”

With a new season of “Star Trek Discovery” launching this week, it makes perfect sense for us to chat with a character actor from the series! Today, we have the prolific Conrad Coates, who you may recall as Admiral Terral, a Vulcan who appeared in four episodes during season 1. Conrad talks to us about the…

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Trek Untold Episode 18: Star Trek TOS Composer Gerald Fried + Angelique & Steven Fawcette from “Unbelievable!!!!!

 For the first time on TREK UNTOLD, we are joined by three guests! Up first, we speak with Angelique & Steven Fawcette, the creative team behind the new sci-fi parody movie and Star Trek homage, “Unbelievable!!!!!” which features over 40 actors from five different Star Trek series, along with Michael Madsen, Robert Davi, and Snoop…

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