scott bakula

Trek Untold Episode 70: Jill Jacobson, Vanessa from Star Trek TNG “The Royale” and Aroya from Star Trek DS9 “Broken Link”

Jill Jacobson, Vanessa from Star Trek TNG “The Royale” and Aroya from Star Trek DS9 “Broken Link” Trek Untold welcomes the ravishing Jill Jacobson to the podcast, who you may remember as the clueless Vanessa from the season 2 TNG episode “The Royale” and the DS9 season four finale “Broken Link” as Aroya, the owner…

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Trek Untold Episode 64: Robin Morselli, Background Actor & Stand-in for 120 Episodes of Star Trek

Robin Morselli, Background Actor & Stand-in for 120 Episodes of Star Trek Trek Untold digs deep with this interview with a performer who hasn’t told her story before anywhere. Robin Morselli was a regular background actor and stand-in, most notably on DS9 as a Bajoran Ops officer (and occasional civilian, and there’s a story about…

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Trek Untold Episode 59: Richard Riehle talks Star Trek TNG, VOY & ENT

Richard Riehle talks Star Trek TNG, VOY & ENT Richard Riehle is a character actor whose face you have seen on stage, television and film since the 1970’s, with a grand total of 400 on-screen credits – a number that continues to rise every year! You may remember him as Batai from the Star Trek…

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Trek Untold Episode 54: John Fleck, Silik on “Star Trek: Enterprise” & Other Aliens on TNG, DS9 and VOY

John Fleck has the distinction of being one of the few performers to have roles in every series from the second wave of Trek shows. He was the Romulan Taibak in Star Trek TNG “The Mind’s Eye”, a Cardassian overseer in DS9 “The Homecoming”, as well as Ornithar from “The Search” and another Romulan named…

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Trek Untold Episode 44: Dey Young, Actress from Star Trek TNG, DS9 & Enterprise

Trek fans will remember Dey Young best from her roles as Hannah Bates in the TNG episode “Masterpiece Society,” Arissa from the DS9 episode “A Simple Investigation,” and Keyla from ENT in “Two Days and Two Nights.” Dey tells us stories about working with Levar Burton, Rene Auberjonois, and Scott Bakula, what it’s like to…

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Trek Untold Episode 42: Susan Diol, Danara Pel on “Star Trek: Voyager”

Susan Diol, Danara Pel on “Star Trek: Voyager”  Susan Diol’s acting career spans dozens of TV shows and theatrical works. Still, Trekkies know her best as Dr. Danara Pel from two episodes of “Star Trek: Voyager” titled “Lifesigns” and “Resolutions.” Before her time on Voyager, she appeared on “Star Trek: The Next Generation” in “Silicon…

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Trek Untold Episode 25: Erick Avari Talks Star Trek TNG, DS9 & ENT

Today’s guest is a man whose face you’ve seen hundreds of times in movies and TV shows, but you probably never knew his name until now. Erick Avari boasts a resume of big appearances in tons of well-known things, and three of those are Star Trek! Erick first appeared in “Star Trek: The Next Generation”…

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Trek Untold Episode 6: Tim Storms – Patrick Stewart’s Stunt Double

Today’s guest is an invisible warrior who you have seen on-screen plenty of times, but rarely his face. Tim Storms is a stunt performer who appeared in several episodes of “Star Trek: Enterprise,” but you may remember his most recent work as Sir Patrick Stewart’s stunt double in “Star Trek: Picard.” Storms has been doubling…

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