Larry Nemecek

Trek Untold-Episode 96: April Tatro is the Cat’s Meow

For years, there was an unsolved mystery in the Star Trek universe. In the second season of the Star Trek TOS, in an episode titled  “Assignment: Earth,” one of the performers went uncredited for decades – the human form of Isis the Cat. Many years later, former guest of this show and Star Trek expert…

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Trek Untold-Episode 89: The State of The Star Trek Fandom with Larry Nemecek

“Fandom” has seemingly become a dirty word on the internet, but it doesn’t have to be that way! “Dr. Trek” Larry Nemecek has been enjoying Star Trek for more time than I’ve been walking this earth, and if one man knows and understands the fandom, it’s certainly him. John discusses the history of the fandom…

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