Show Notes
Rich announced that MTR had raised $1,200 for Komen for the Cure. He also let the listeners know that DaSilva was going to be participating in Movember. Our past Beyond The Mic guest Adam Jay from Superhero Photography is crowdsourcing his next project which is a female Robocop. If any listeners are interested in donating to either of these individuals here are the links
DaSilva-Movember: https://mobro.co/DaSilvaMMA
Superhero Photography Robocop: https://www.indiegogo.com/femrobocop
Rich also updated the listeners about how things are in NYC post hurricane Sandy.
- 00:21:15 – MMA – Rich did not cover TUF this week but discussed some the latest news in MMA and shared his thoughts on the nominees for the 2012 World MMA Awards.
- 00:35:05 – Max Geiger Call In – Max joins us to discuss his departure from the Deadliest Warrior and also discussed his recently released PSN title The Unfinished Swan.
- 00:01:17:42 – Wrestling – Rich shared his thoughts on WWE Hell In The Cell as well as RAW and Impact. The Hulkster and Bubba were back in the segment this week since it was announced that Hogan had settled his lawsuit.
- 01:58:58–Video Games – Gaming news were light this week but the cancellation of G4 shows X-Play and Attack of the Show were addressed.
- 02:06:31 – Movies/TV – Argo slid to the top of the box office during the slow weekend. That will change with the releases of Flight, Wreck- It Ralph and The Man with the Iron Fists. Rich addressed Disney’s acquisition of Lucasfilm and gave his thoughts on a potential direction for a future Star Wars saga. Rich also gave his take on the Jamie Foxx/Electro rumors as well.
Guest Links
Max Geiger works for Giant Sparrow. Giant Sparrow recently released The Unfinished Swan on the PSN Network. To learn more about The Unfinished Swan and Giant Sparrow you can visit the following links
Giant Sparrow Official Site: https://www.giantsparrow.com
Follow Giant Sparrow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GiantSparrow
The Unfinished Swan on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UnfinishedSwan
Giant Swan on PSN: https://blog.us.playstation.com/2012/10/23/the-unfinished-swan-is-finished-out-today-on-psn/
Sponsor Links
MTR is always looking for great brands to partner up with. If you are interested in advertising with us please make sure to email us and we will forward our advertising package and rates.
Intro: MTR Dub Intro
Outro: Go Back (Streets of Rage II)
Go Back can be found at OCRemix.org
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