On July 9, 2009, My Take Radio returned to the airwaves with a new live format! That night at 11pm ET we started this journey with just a Blog Talk Radio presence and a goal to deliver something raw, real and effective. The weeks passed, the rust wore off, and the numbers grew and before you know it we were at episode 50 then episode 100 and most recently episode 200 and the drive never faltered. I reflect on these five years knowing that we met a lot of great people (and some shitty people too) plus had some amazing experiences as well. The funny thing about the shitty ones is that we learned from them too and in turn, we made things better for you the viewers and listeners.
This Thursday will be our anniversary show and while this post is being published on the official five year anniversary date, I invite you to join us Thursday night at 11pm ET to help us celebrate this milestone and lead the charge towards another five years.
I'd like to thank Kevin and the VGN family as well as Blaine from Born Stubborn Radio for lighting that creative spark back in 2006 and setting me on the path. I am also grateful to O&A for never compromising their beliefs and remaining true to themselves even in the face of adversity. They inspired me to deliver my content my way and not like everyone else.
I also need to thank my team both current and prior for their hardwork and belief in MTR and what we stand for.
Last but not least I want to thank you, the readers of mytakeradio.com and our viewers and listeners for sticking with us even through our 3+ hour shows. We appreciate each and every one of you.
We will continue working to make MTR your hub for all things entertainment whether it be MMA, wrestling, gaming, movies, geek culture or anything else on our radar.
Our motivation is summed up perfectly in this quote from Jason Calacanis:
““We are on the same, level playing field. Either your shit is beautiful and crisp and deserves to exist, or not.”