Show Notes
What’s the latest in gaming & entertainment? My Take Radio has you covered on both fronts this week we march towards our 400th episode.
00:05:04– Audio
- New heroes and villains join Injustice 2.
- Nintendo gives details on The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild season pass.
- Pokemon Go gets additional Pokemon this week.
- Xbox Project Scorpio details on deck for Microsoft’s E3 showing.
- Rich shares his thoughts on the PewDiePie controversy.
00:35:10– Audio
00:35:20– Video
- Lego Batman takes the box office this past weekend.
- Five Minute Movie Review: John Wick: Chapter 2
- Lucifer gets a third season.
- Cloak & Dagger casting updates.
- The Raid “remake” gets a leading man.
- Mel Gibson and DC? It could happen.
- Deadpool 2 casting updates.
Tech Minute
- No tech minute this episode.
- RAGE Works is always looking for new writers for all our coverage. We have openings in all categories and have a minimum requirement of four articles a month and some good writing skills. WordPress and Windows Live Writer experience are a plus. Writers get access to comics, hardware, and software when available.
Guest Links
- No guest this week
Sponsor Links
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