My Take Radio-Episode 251

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Show Notes

Slick joined Rich this week to break down the latest gaming news and to address where gaming companies will stand before, during and after the holiday season. There were a ton of movie news this week as well.

MTR will be off air on 10/29 and 10/30 due to the PhotoPlus Expo in NYC. MTR will be back live on 11/5 and 11/6 at 11pm ET.


Video Games

·00:06:27 – Audio

·00:08:01 – Video

  • Rich and Slick break down the holiday plans for Nintendo, Xbox and PlayStation
  • Alien Isolation announces DLC
  • Dead or Alive 5: The Last Round hits consoles in 2015
  • Nintendo goes all in with Super Smash Bros. on the Wii U




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·00:54:44– Audio

·01:00:18 – Video

  • Rich shares his thoughts on the Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer
  • Annabelle is a hit and The Conjuring 2 is happening
  • Vinny Jones heads to Arrow
  • Rob Riggle is Frank West
  • Cabin Fever remake?
  • New names tossed around for Dr. Strange
  • Will we see a female Robin for Batman v. Superman?
  • Suicide Squad and Ghost in the Shell casting updates
  • The box office belonged to Fury
  • Clerks III is a go?
  • A Scream TV show without Ghostface?
  • John Carter back with Edgar Rice Burroughs
  • Gotham finds its Dr. Leslie Tompkins
  • Mutant take over the top selling Blu-rays



  • My Take Radio will not air on 10/29 and 10/30. MTR will be back live on Nov. 5th and 6th


Guest Links

Follow Slick on Twitter: @MTRSlick



No sponsor tees this week



Sponsor Links

We got a brand new promo code for Superhero Stuff. Use the promo code 14MTR to save 14% off your order.




Intro: MTR Intro

Outro: Bowser is champion

Artist: bXmMusic

Album: N/A




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