My guest for our 103rd episode of MTR was martial artist,entrepreneur and television actor Steven Cardenas. Steven is well known for his role as the Red Power Ranger on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Power Rangers Zeo ( Blue Zeo Ranger) and Power Rangers Turbo. Steven shared some great stories from his tv career but the bulk of our interview focused on his love of martial arts and his dojo Force/Balance BJJ & Yoga which opened recently in Burbank California.
Steve shared a great story regarding his introduction to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and how that introduction motivated him to expand his martial arts knowledge from Tae Kwon Do to BJJ. Steve prides himself on teaching martial arts to children and embraces the fact that children absorb so much when it comes to martial arts instruction. Speaking with Steve brought back so many childhood memories not only of watching him perform on TV but of my time studying martial arts. MTR would like to thank Steve for stopping by and sharing what he has been up to.
If you happen to be in Burbank look up Force Balance BJJ & Yoga. Tell Steve MTR sent you
Force Balance BJJ & Yoga – Link
Follow Steve on Twitter
Force / Balance BJJ and Yoga
3111 Winona Ave. # 201
Burbank, CA 91504
We are located in the green building (2nd floor) at the corner of Winona and Ontario.
818 . 565 . 0155
Email: info@forcebalancebjj.com
Listen to episode 103 below