MTR Beyond The Mic: Mike Kingston/Headlocked: The Last Territory

Interview Notes

Mike Kingston returns to MTR Beyond The Mic to talk about the latest chapter in the Headlocked series and the Kickstarter campaign being used to get this next chapter released. Headlocked tells the story of professional wrestler Mike Hartmann. Here is a far better description from Mike via Headlocked’s Kickstarter page.

What is Headlocked?

In one sentence, it's a wrestling cable drama in a comic book!

Headlocked is a coming-of-age story chronicling a college theater major's quest to become a professional wrestler. It begins from the moment he unexpectedly falls in love with wrestling and follows his journey through the insanity of the wrestling business as he chases his dream of making it to the bright lights and the big stage of the WFW.

On a deeper level, Headlocked is an examination of wrestling as an art form. Our main character, Mike Hartmann, is a college theater major that drops out of school to try and break into the wrestling business. So the reader will learn more about the craft of wrestling through the eyes of a performance artist.

Mike needs our help to get the next chapter made. Donations can be a little as a dollar and there are some awesome perks and extras that fans will enjoy. We already pledged and support Mike and Headlocked






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