Interview Notes
Mike Kingston returns to MTR Beyond The Mic to talk about Headlocked Vol. 2 which is currently live on Kickstarter. Mike breaks down the creative process and some of the changes he implemented for promotion and overall workflow. A ton of new creative talent is involved for volume 2 and if you are a comic and/or wrestling fan we definitely recommend you check it out and get in on some of the awesome perks Mike is giving fans.
Please remember that Kickstarter pledges are not taken until the project is fully funded.
Facebook: facebook.com/headlockedcomic
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HeadlockedComic
Official Site: https://www.headlockedcomic.com/
Tumblr: https://tumblr.com/blog/headlockedcomicbook
Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/180977151/headlocked-the-last-territory-vol-2
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