Interview Notes
I have to start by apologizing to my guest Devon Gamble since I thought this episode had already been released to the general public. It appears that my web connection got interrupted and it never made it up to Libsyn. Due to that mishap this episode is available for everyone to enjoy with no time exclusivity period. –Rich
The very talented Devon Gamble was my guest in the latest Behind The Mic. I became acquainted with Devon’s work after she found MTR on LinkedIn and after seeing her show This Week In The Cinema I realized we had a lot in common. Devon brings a genuine approach to discussing film and her passion for the medium translates through her blogs and videos. She convinced me to give Fantastic Mr. Fox another shot after seeing her enthusiasm for the film.
[youtube id=”TNSWpSJevSM” width=”560″ height=”340″]
I watched with renewed optimism and enjoyed it quite a bit. It was great to talk film with someone who is just as passionate about movies as we are on MTR. Stop by her page and check out her videos.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ThisWeekInTheCinema
Twitter: www.twitter.com/Movies_ThisWeek
Site: www.thisweekinthecinema.com
Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/b/105645065827715815299/105645065827715815299/posts
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