The views expressed on air during Black is the New Black does not represent the views of the RAGE Works staff, partners or affiliates. Listener discretion is advised.
Show Notes
Ben & Taylor had some Skype issues but are back this week with your biweekly dose of sports, hip-hop, and nerd s**t. Here are some of the noteworthy items Ben & Taylor discussed on this episode:
- Sports
- NFL Preseason
- Colin Kaepernick discussion (because we know people can’t get enough of that!)
- Nerd Sh**
- One Piece live action show
- DC Dark Universe comics
Hip-Hop takes a back seat this week as Ben and Taylor sound of on the issues going on down south and remind everyone it ok to punch Nazi’s in the face.Plus much more on deck!
Follow the hosts of Black is the New Black on Twitter.
- Ben: @Blaqout89
- Taylor: @KingOfTheChill_
Intro/Outro Music by The Velvet Touch
To learn more about The Velvet Touch and to check out their music head to the following link
The Velvet Touch: https://velvettouch.bandcamp.com/
Listener Info
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