Black is the New Black-Episode 50

The views expressed on air during Black is the New Black do not represent the views of the RAGE Works/My Take Radio staff, partners or affiliates. Listener discretion is advised.

Show Notes

Black is the New Black celebrates its milestone 50th episode under the RAGE Works umbrella. Here are some of the noteworthy items Ben & Taylor discussed:

  • Sports
    • Thoughts on the NFL Pre-Season.
    • Tony Romo breaks his back?
    • Colin Kaepernick situation
  • Nerd Sh**
    • Zendaya’s rumored casting as Mary Jane and the “dude bro” rhetoric that’s come from the news.
    • Deathstroke joins the DC Cinematic Universe and has a date with Dark Knight and possibly the JLA.
  • Hip-Hop
    • Frank Ocean’s album has finally dropped!
    • Young Thug releases No, My Name is Jeffery and dudes lose their shit!


Follow the hosts of Black is the New Black on Twitter.

  • Ben: @Blaqout89
  • Taylor: @KingOfTheChill_


Intro/Outro Music by The Velvet Touch

To learn more about The Velvet Touch and to check out their music head to the following link

The Velvet Touch:

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