The views expressed on air during Black is the New Black do not represent the views of the RAGE Works/My Take Radio staff, partners or affiliates. Listener discretion is advised.
Show Notes
Black is the New Black returns! The boys are back after a brief break to bring you their take on sports, hip-hop and of course nerd s**t. Here are some of the items the fellas discuss on this episode:
- Sports
- Kobe Bryant
- Allen Iverson
- Warriors record breaking season
- Josh Gordon drug issues
- Nerd S**t
- Tessa Thompson joining the Thor: Ragnarok cast
- Additional thoughts on Batman v. Superman
- Star Wars: Rogue 1
- Thoughts on the latest Suicide Squad trailer.
- Inhumans film gets delayed again
- Ryan Coogler co-writing Black Panther
- Thoughts on Black Panther #1
- Ben & Taylor share their thoughts on porn sites blocking North Carolina users due to the recently passed LGBT law.
Follow the hosts of Black is the New Black on Twitter.
- Ben: @Blaqout89
- Taylor: @KingOfTheChill_
Intro/Outro Music by: The Velvet Touch
To learn more about The Velvet Touch and to check out their music head to the following link
The Velvet Touch:
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