Black is the New Black-Episode 38

The views expressed on air during Black is the New Black do not represent the views of the RAGE Works/My Take Radio staff, partners or affiliates. Listener discretion is advised.

Show Notes

It was a wild one this week on BITNB as Ben and Taylor sounded off on the latest in Sports, Hip-Hip, and Nerd S**t.   Here are just some of the items that are on deck for this episode.

  • Sports
    • Conor McGregor’s loss at UFC 196
    • Ben Simmons and lack of interest in school
    • The hate on Steph Curry
    • Peyton Manning retirement talk.
  • Nerd Sh**
    • Sony’s Venom movie moves forward
    • Iron Fist & Dark Tower casting talk
  • Hip-Hop
    • Ben unleashes a barrage of venom and vitriol at Troy Ave.
    • Ben & Taylor share their thoughts on Kendrick Lamar’s surprise album


Follow the hosts of Black is the New Black on Twitter.

  • Ben: @Blaqout89
  • Taylor: @KingOfTheChill_


Intro/Outro Music by The Velvet Touch

To learn more about The Velvet Touch and to check out their music head to the following link

The Velvet Touch:

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