The views expressed on air during Black is the New Black do not represent the views of the RAGE Works/My Take Radio staff, partners or affiliates. Listener discretion is advised.
Show Notes
It’s a full house this week as Ben is joined by Jonesy to cohost in Taylor’s absence and Jonesy’s son adds his own contributions to this week’s show plus Vida joins Ben to break down the latest happenings in hip-hop. Here are just some of the items that are on deck for this episode.
- Sports
- NBA trade deadline
- Peyton Manning sexual harassment allegations.
- Wrestling also took center stage this week due to Taylor’s absence.
- Nerd Sh**
- DC Comics ReBirth event
- Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice discussion
- Ben shares his thoughts on Deadpool.
- Hip-Hop
- Vida joins Ben to break down Kanye West’s new album The Life of Pablo
- Things get a bit tense as Ben and Vida discuss rapper Kevin Gates recent comments
Follow the hosts of Black is the New Black on Twitter.
- Ben: @Blaqout89
- Taylor: @KingOfTheChill_
Intro/Outro Music by The Velvet Touch
- The Velvet Touch Official Site: https://velvettouch.bandcamp.com/
To learn more about Nicholas Hart head to these links
- Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/nickhart
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/nHiAcRkT
Listener Info
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